
Are you looking at fixing a few things you don’t like about your front teeth? Veneers may be the esthetic, long-term solution for you!

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Looking to have a dazzling makeover but not wanting to get too out of hand?! Veneers are a minimally invasive way to achieve great esthetic results. While there are limitations to what can be corrected, veneers can be a great tool to help resolve issues with:

  • Gaps
  • Staining/Discoloration
  • Crooked Teeth

Veneers are made out of porcelain which gives them strength and awesome esthetic and natural results. A Veneer is like a thin shell that sits on the front-half of your tooth. It is not like a full crown that wraps all the way around the tooth. Depending on what the veneers are trying to correct will determine how much tooth structure will be taken away. In general our goal is to take away as little natural tooth structure as possible. The final veneer can be up to .3 millimeters thin allowing us to leave some areas of the tooth untouched before putting the veneers on. Following our minimal preparation of the teeth, an impression is taken and sent to the lab for your custom-made veneers. If you are interested in what veneers can do for you, please call to schedule a consultation with Dr. Petersen.

Ready. Set. Smile.

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